Funtional Skills and Mathematics
Entry Level 1-3
Functional Skills qualifications provide reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements against demanding content that is relevant to the workplace. The qualifications assess learners’ underpinning subject knowledge and their ability to apply this knowledge todifferent contexts. They provide a foundation for progression to employment and further technical education, and they help learners to develop skills for everyday life. In some contexts, Functional Skills qualifications will also play a part in the government’s accountability systems. Functional Skills qualifications are based on Department for Education (DfE) approved subject content and are regulated by Ofqual. Learners will work towards their qualification in a number of settings, including but not limited to:
● schools and sixth-form colleges
● Pupil Referral Units
● further education providers
● private colleges
● private skills providers
● offender learning establishments
● higher education establishments.
You must be 19 or older
You must be claiming State Benefits
We will carry out an Initial Assessment to ensure you are on the right programme and level